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Termites, Cockroaches And Spiders can run but they can't hide from Micropest Pest Control Sydney.


Smoky Brown Cockroaches Sydney.

Home owners guide to cockroach control in our fair city of Sydney, Australia. Micropest is a leading Sydney cockroach control company.

Micropest utilises effective and envirofriendly cockroach control products. The following information is designed to inform you the consumer about cockroaches and cockroach control methods. Please don't hesitate to ring the office for further information. Phone 1300 243377 or likewise.For Micropest cockroach control methods please refer to Sydney Pest Control Treatments.

Cockroach Control Video

Smokey Brown Cockroach

Smokey Brown Cockroach


These cockroaches are small, dark brown mahogany, black in colour. Adults have well-developed wings, that stretch to the tip of the abdomen.


They prefer plant material, but will eat anything when inside the house. They may inhabit greenhouses.

Habits and Biology

They enter the house during summer or hitch-hike on firewood. These roaches fly at night towards lights.

Stop water leaks, screen equipment over flow drains, take over flow water away from buildings, keep drain traps full or capped. Remove rotting leaves from window wells. Remove garbage cans out of preferred moist habitats. Ventilate moist spaces. Generally speaking, cockroach control measures should concentrate on the outside of the building and points of entry. This is called a perimeter or barrier treatment.

Pest Control Price List

Micropest Pest Control Sydney provides the following services with an approximate price. Please don't hesitate to ring because we do have specials from time to time and we are flexible.

Services Apartment Houses Restaurant
(conditions apply)
All cockroach control prices: $200.00 $220.00 $220.00

Our Locations


Address: 24/24-36 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga N.S.W 2076

Phone:1300 243 377

Hours: Open 7 days, 7 am–10 pm

We provide the same day emergency services for the Upper North Shore suburbs of Wahroonga, Pymble, Hornsby, Turramurra, Westleigh and Thornleigh.


Address: 43 Whiting St, Artarmon NSW 2064

Phone:1300 884 166

Hours: Open 7 days, 7 am–10 pm

We provide the same day emergency services for the Lower North Shore suburbs of Artarmon, Chatswood, Lane Cove, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, North Sydney, Neutral Bay, North Bridge and Castlecrag.

  Micropest Pest Control Sydney

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Micropest Sydney Introduction Video

Termite Control Sydney Video

Pest Control Treatment Video

Termite inspection Video

Termite Inspection Report Video

German Cockroaches and Cockroach Pest Control Video

The Bees and Bee Pest Control in Sydney Video

Fleas and Flea Control Video

Scorpions And Scorpion Control Video

Subfloor Ventilation Video

Rising Damp Sydney Video

How to find Bed Bugs Video?

Bed Bug Pest Control


Spider control

Spider control



Subfloor Ventilation Example


Bee Pest Control Sydney

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