Termite Control
Coptotermes Acinaciformis Termites Sydney
by admin on Jun.30, 2013, under Termite Control, Termite Inspections, Termites
Coptotermes acinaciformis termites are one of three different species of termites in Sydney that cause economic damage. These three species of termites cause damage to one in every three houses in Sydney.
- Coptotermes Acinaciformis termites cause the most amount of damage in Sydney and if found an appropriate termite control treatment should be carried out promptly as they do cause a significant amount of damage quickly.
2) Scherdorhinotermes Intermedius termites cause the second most damage in Sydney.
3) Nasutitermes termites cause the least amount of damage in Sydney.
Coptotermes Acinaiformis termites are the most destructive and common termites evident in Sydney. They account for over seventy percent of serious damage to Sydney houses and commercial infrastructure.
What makes Coptotermes species of termites so dangerous and indiscriminate is that they are blind and can’t smell. They just forage for food continuously, radiating out from their nest in approximately 100 metre radius tasting everything in their path. They blunder upon their food source and unfortunately cannot distinguish between houses and trees. When they come across something they like, they tell their friends and the feasting begins.
Coptotermes are identified by close observation of the soldier caste of the species.
1) Sabre like mandibles.
2) Head is pear-shaped.
3) The soldiers are darker brown in color.
4) They are approximately 5mm in length.
They like to nest in the root balls of trees, wall cavities, sub-floors, and under cement slabs. These environmental conditions make the Hills districts, Northern Beaches, Upper, and Lower North Shore of Sydney very attractive to the Copototermes species of termites.
For this species of termite, they must have a constant moisture source otherwise they cannot survive. Leaking showers, taps, drainage issues and even refrigerators are the most common causes for Coptotermes in buildings and houses.
The reason they need a constant moisture source is that they have to live in a constantly humid environment. If they don’t they desiccate and die. The termite nest and mud tunnels the termites live in is compromised of soil, feces, and particles of their surrounding environment. The nest is hard and designed to stay at an even constant state of humidity to protect the termites from drying out and predators.
Coptotermes Acinaiformis termites feed through a process called trofilaxis. This means they lick the sweat of the backs of the other termites. They chew on timber or cellulose fibres, process it in their protozoa, and then excrete a sweat on their backs that their companions lick to feed themselves.
A typical Coptotermes termite colony will survive for twenty – five years. The Queen and King termites are the original alates or flying termites that start the colony. The Queen can lay up to 2000 eggs a day and live approximately twenty-five years. It takes a new termite colony about several years to become economically destructive.
Alates or flying termites start swarming in the warmer months of summer, November to late February. They swarm in the evenings when the humidity is just right for they have only about twenty minutes to find an appropriate nesting site with a constant moisture source before they desiccate and die. Coptotermes swarm about several times in summer and out of the millions of flying termites only several pairs out of each swarm will survive to start a new termite colony. So this equates to twenty-eight new termite colonies starting from one nest every year.
The workers are males and females whose sexual organs have not developed. They do all the work in the termite colony. Grooming the Queen, feeding the other castes, and processing timber or cellulose causing most of the damage to houses.
Soldiers are a little darker than the workers in color and appearance and have a pear-shaped brownish head with saber type mandibles. They protect the nest from predators and invaders such as other termites and ants.
Words of wisdom to the wise, anyone who owns a building or house in Sydney should seriously consider an annual termite inspection. A termite inspection does not stop termites from eating your building but it does reduce the amount of damage they can cause.
Evaluate the element of risk of termite infestation to your building.
Ascertains whether you have active or old termite damage to your building.
Evaluates the extent of damage the termites have caused.
Gives us enough information to accurately quote you on a termite control treatment and utilize the appropriate method to protect your building from termites.
Identifies the termite species.
Educates you about termites.
Provides you with an eight-page written report.
This article about Coptotermes Acinaciformis termites was written by Gerard Dallow.