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Termites, Cockroaches And Spiders can run but they can't hide from Micropest Pest Control Sydney.


Pest Control Treatment Sydney Video

This Pest Control Treatment Video is designed to educate you the consumer how a general pest control treatment is carried out by Micropest Pest Control Sydney.

What Is A Pest Control Treatment?

Pest Control Treatment - "A Pest control treatment is a method of action which regulates or manages pests in houses, offices or commercial buildings the pest control methods can be applied physically or with the use of an assortment of chemical treatments."

Pest Control Sydney Treatment Video Transcript


Hi, my name is Gerard from Micropest. We're going to talk about pest control treatments. For a pest control treatment we put a residual treatment around all the external foundations, internal skirtings, window frames, garden areas, fences and out-buildings. The treatment that we mainly use for this spraying around the external and internal of the house is called Cislin 25. It's a Bayer product. There's no odour, there's no staining. We've been utilising this in childcare centres and hospitals for the last 13 years. It's rain-fast, it's UV light resistant, we use it inside and out. Most of the companies out there, they'll use Cislin inside because they know it's the best treatment there is, but it's a lot more expensive for them to use it outside but with Micropest we use it inside and outside only because its the best treatment that's on the market.

Once we spray the residual treatments where applicable, we go up into the roof and we dust the roof with a treatment called Coopex dust. It's a very fine talc dust and it gets blown in by a blowing machine. What happens, the whole roof void clouds up and the dust seeps down through the wall cavities and actually goes underneath the sub-floor. So basically it envelopes the internal cavities of the house.

OK, when we're up in the roof doing the dusting we have a quick look around for rat droppings. We give it the old smell test to see whether we can smell any rat urine. Rat urine is very pungent it's full of a lot of ammonia. Rats are incontinent, so they pee on the run and all their pheromones are in their urine and when rats come up into a roof and start nesting, foraging rats outside start coming across their pheromone tracks and make their way up into the roof looking for a mate. So whenever you bait a roof, you've got to bait it for 1 or 2 years because it takes about 2 years for the pheromones in the urine of the initial rats to die down and go away. But rats do cause fires and it's something that should be addressed.

Generally German Cockroaches they localise themselves close to the kitchen because that's where their food source is. They are different to the big cockroaches. The big cockroaches are vegetarian, they live outside. They'll live inside up in the roof and in the wall cavities and at night time they go outside foraging for their food, mainly leaf matter and such like. Whereas the German Cockroaches, they like the nice little warm possies in your kitchen and your dishwasher, behind your refrigerator. What we do with the German Cockroaches, we get a gel called Maxforce Gold again another Bayer product, but it happens to be one of the best on the market. We put a little blob of gel on each hinge in the kitchen, around the back of the fridge, on top and down the sides of the dishwasher machine and generally that will rectify your German Cockroach problem. Now once that's done, we're all done. It's a very safe, environmentally friendly pest control treatment.

Our Locations


Address: 24/24-36 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga N.S.W 2076

Phone:1300 243 377

Hours: Open 7 days, 7 am–10 pm

We provide the same day emergency services for the Upper North Shore suburbs of Wahroonga, Pymble, Hornsby, Turramurra, Westleigh and Thornleigh.


Address: 43 Whiting St, Artarmon NSW 2064

Phone:1300 884 166

Hours: Open 7 days, 7 am–10 pm

We provide the same day emergency services for the Lower North Shore suburbs of Artarmon, Chatswood, Lane Cove, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, North Sydney, Neutral Bay, North Bridge and Castlecrag.

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