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Termites, Cockroaches And Spiders can run but they can't hide from Micropest Pest Control Sydney.


German Cockroaches | Pest Control Sydney | Facts

  • German Cockroaches Sydney

    German Cockroaches Sydney
  • Human Friendly Cockroach Control

    Eviromentaly Friendly Pest Control
  • Eviromentaly Friendly

    German Cockroach Specialists
  • Cockroaches

    Cockroaches Pest Control
  • Maxforce Gold Cockroach Gel

    Maxforce Gold Cockroach Gel
  • German Cockroach Pest Control Sydney

    German Cockroach Pest Control Sydney
  • German Cockroach With An Egg

    German Cockroach Carring An Egg
  • German Cockroach Eggs

    German Cockroach  Eggs
  • German Cockroaches

    German Cockroach Pest Control
  • Pet Friendly Cockroach control.

    Safe and effective

German Cockroach Pest Control Price

Micropest pest control Sydney is one of Sydney's leading German cockroaches and cockroach pest control companies, with offices in Artarmon, Berowra and Wahroonga.Established twenty years ago in Feb 2003. The following web page informs you, the consumer, about German cockroaches, cockroach pest control, cockroach pictures, cockroach reproduction and identification.

Gerard Dallow provides German cockroaches pest control services for the city of Sydney in Micropest Pest Control Sydney. He began his career in the pest control and termite inspection industry in the late 1980s. Throughout his thirty-five-year tenure, he has completed approximately 14,000 termite inspections, 20,000 pest control treatments, and several thousand termite exterminations. In addition, he has amassed 867 five-star Google reviews under his name, utilizes cutting-edge termite detection equipment, and employs safe and effective pest and termite treatments. With these credentials, the choice is clear.

German Cockroaches

German Cockroach Pest Control Treatment

German cockroaches would have to be the most difficult cockroach species to manage in Sydney. Micropest uses a German chemically engineered treatment made by Bayer called Max Force Gold. It's a safe, pet-friendly, children friendly and environmentally friendly non-repellent German cockroach pest control treatment that comes in a gel formulation.

Maxforce German Cockroach Gel 1.jpg

German cockroaches like to live close to their water and food source, usually in the kitchen and bathroom. We place the max force gel in strategic areas around the kitchen and bathroom. The cockroaches eat the gel and die, and then their partners in crime cannibalise them and die. When the cockroach egg capsules hatch, the babies eat the gel, then die. A successful German cockroach infestation can sometimes take up to a month to work because we have to wait for the egg capsules to hatch.

German Cockroaches Control Sydney.jpg

German Cockroach Pest Control Video

Below is a video about German cockroaches, where they live, how they breed and how Micropest conducts a German cockroach pest control treatment.

If you haven't got German cockroaches, maybe you have one of the other common Sydney cockroach species displayed below.

Australian Cockroaches | American Cockroaches | Smokey Brown Cockroaches | Oriental Cockroaches

German Cockroaches

The German cockroach is one of the most common roaches found in an apartment houses, restaurants and hotels. German cockroach (eggs included) are "brought in", usually on mans belongings, luggage, boxes or packages. They produce the most eggs, have the shortest development cycle, the best survival rate of the young, and the most adaptive feeding habits of most roaches.


German Cockroaches Sydney 1.jpg

Adults are half an inch long, light to medium brown, with two distinctive dark stripes behind the head. The young are wingless, smaller and darker in colour, with a light stripe on their backs.


German Cockroaches will eat anything. They stay close to food and water source.

Habits and Biology

Females reproduce one egg capsule every 3-4 weeks. Each capsule contains 25-45 eggs. Infestations are usually found in kitchens, bathrooms but can inhabit other areas if there is a heavy population or you have run them into each other with the repellent effect of insecticides.

German Cockroach Eggs.jpg

German Cockroach Pest Control Price List

German Cockroach Pest Control company Micropest Pest Control Sydney provides the following quality pest control services at an approximate price. Please don't hesitate to ring because we have specials from time to time and we are flexible.

Services Apartment Houses Restaurant
(conditions apply)
All cockroach control prices: $280.00 $280.00 Call for Quote

Cockroaches (Blattidae)

Cockroaches are rather flattened insects, oval in outline, mostly brown to almost black, usually but not always with wings covering the body and with very long antennae. When active, they scurry about, seldom resorting to flight even when fully winged. Most species, and all the important ones, are nocturnally active, resting in dark hiding places during the day.

Many species are found, mostly under logs, stones, bark, or leaf litter. They are most common in forest country but can also be seen in numbers in wood heaps, and some small colourful species may be seen on foliage in the garden. However, these are of no importance; only those very few species which have adapted themselves to living on the food and wastes of humans are pests. Two or three species have become even more successfully dependent on humans than the housefly and are no longer found under natural conditions. With minor climatic limitations, these species are almost as widely distributed around the world as are humans. As with rats, ships have provided mobile human environments suitable for their dispersion to all quarters of the globe. Nowadays, aircraft can serve the same purpose.

Cockroaches are regarded as loathsome creatures, but although they are capable of transmitting diseases of a similar nature to those carried by flies, their activities are such that this would rarely occur. There have probably been circumstances in the past where squalor conditions have been such that people, their food, their excrement and cockroaches have existed in intimate association. Given these conditions, disease transmission is certainly possible, the significant factor, as with flies, being the exposure of excrement in very close proximity to the other ordinary activities of human living. The liking of domestic cockroaches for human fecal material is very strong. Their ability to be contaminated by disease organisms has been amply demonstrated, and cockroaches taken from suspect environments have been found to be naturally infected. In other words, there is a potential for disease transmission, but because cockroaches do not normally move readily from infective material to foodstuffs, this potential is not of major significance.

Because their role in disease transmission is of little consequence, their activities after lights out pass relatively unnoticed cockroaches tend to be ignored or tolerated. This should not be since, to the sanitarian, in relatively advanced communities, cockroaches serve as an indicator of domestic and institutional hygiene standards.

Cockroaches are difficult to control because of the inaccessibility of the hiding places which we provide for them by our haphazard methods of food storage or construction of kitchen fittings. On top of this, our carelessness sometimes, uncleanliness at other times, provide them with necessary food. Forethought in these matters could do much to prevent the establishment of cockroach problems.

The magnitude of an infestation, given suitable shelter, depends on the quantity of food available. Ordinary domestic kitchens can only maintain small colonies, restaurants somewhat larger, institutions, with usually greater storage facilities, quite large colonies. Yet all of these are minor compared with the fantastically large populations ever-present in major sewers. At this point, differences in the behaviour of individual species become important.

In New South Wales, the cosmopolitan American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, is the most widely distributed and typically the most frequently occurring in significant infestations. It is the cockroach very often seen in homes and the cockroach of sewers. In the last decade or so in Sydney, Periplaneta fuliginosa (similar to P. Americana but black-brown) and Periplaneta australasiae (similar to P. Americana but with a yellow "epaulette" on the base of each forewing) have become quite common in some areas, and may be seen inside and outside homes and other buildings. Isolated infestations of the German roach, Blatella germanica, also cosmopolitan, occur, but these are discrete infestations of individual buildings, usually heated, and sewers are in no way involved. A third cosmopolitan species, Blatta orientalis, is only known to occur in the Broken Hill area and has not so far become an important pest species in this country. A similar native species, at times incorrectly identified as the preceding, is Shawella couloniana which occasionally establishes minor infestations in houses adjacent to bushland. Other native species are seen in houses because they are attracted to light at night. These, however, do not colonise in the home.

Effective control of cockroach infestations depends on an understanding of essential aspects of their biology and behaviour.

The areas of infestation must be defined. Within the home, the most important factor is food, and a close second is a shelter. Hence the area occupied by cockroaches is the kitchen and suitable shelter within or immediately adjacent to it. Any attempts to observe or trace the activities of these pests should be back to their resting places, not out to their foraging areas. Insecticides should be placed in these resting places, or if this is not possible, then immediately outside so that the insecticide residue must be crossed as the roaches come out of their shelters. Diffuse applications of insecticides, without regard to cockroach harbourage, even undertaken nightly, will make no obvious impression on a well-established infestation. During the detection process of sheltering, imperfections in the management of foodstuffs and utensils should also become apparent and be rectified.

The resting places have special characters. They must be as dark as possible and take the form of crevices into which the cockroaches can just fit with both the upper and lower surfaces of their bodies, making contact with those of the crevice. They will also be as close as possible to the food source except in Blatella germanica where warmth above room temperature is an additional prerequisite.

Cockroaches are clean insects and spend time cleaning any contaminants from their legs or antenna using their mouthparts. This greatly facilitates the ingestion of internal poisons if this type of insecticide is used.

In temperate and tropical areas, there is no actual cessation of breeding at any time during the year. There may well be acceleration during the warmer months. Still, the life cycle is not short - about two or three generations per year for Blatella germanica (50 to over 2OO days to maturity) but only one for Periplaneta americana (134 to over 800 days to maturity in Australian observations). On the other hand, the adults of the former species can survive over I2 months and the latter even in excess of four years. All this means that there is no discreteness of generations but a continuous overlapping of a series of generations with an established colony comprising cockroaches in all stages of development, from eggs to mature adults. Since the incubation period of eggs can extend from 40 to 100 days in the case of Periplaneta americana, it should be realised that a colony is not annihilated when all the active cockroaches are killed. Hatching can continue for months, and this is probably the most important way in which an infestation remains a perpetual problem in the face of less than adequate intermittent control measures.

In some circumstances, which sometimes applies to significant institutions and certain central city areas. Reinfestation from external sources such as sewers is an essential means of perpetuating infestations. Indeed, commercial pest control operators do at times extend their control to adjacent sewer lines to protect vulnerable public eating places. Other sources of reservoir populations can be garbage dump areas, particularly when no attempt is made to cover the refuse. All this, of course, applies to Periplaneta americana. It should also be recognised that reinfestation may be affected by the entry of infested goods. This is only likely with foodstuffs bought in bulk from an infested store or perhaps in crates that may have provided harbourage.

As mentioned previously, cockroaches do not fly readily, but there is a temperature control to this. ln Sydney, there are possibly only a few nights each summer when domestic cockroaches will be seen on the wing, but as we go northward in Australia, flight is observed more and more frequently.

Blatella germanica is a special case. It breeds more rapidly than the other domestic species. lt requires greater warmth and is especially prone to infest situations close to steam pipes, REFRIGERATORS or other reticulated heating systems likely to be found in hotels and institutions.

ln the control of cockroaches non-residual insecticides are of less than limited value. Before residual insecticides became available, strategically placed dust, especially sodium fluoride, which could be made even more effective by adding pyrethrum powder, was probably more useful than most other means of keeping cockroach populations at a low level. Residual insecticides made a dramatic improvement when used without regard for possible contamination of foodstuffs or utensils. Currently, there are proprietary products sold for cockroach control in domestic situations, either as aerosol surface sprays" or as powders in "puffer" packs or gels. These typically contain pyrethroid with residual activity (e.g. permethrin), sometimes with another compound to provide a flushing action (e.g. dichlorvos or pyrethrins) so that the cockroaches may come in greater contact with the residual insecticide.

However, we must take into consideration the toxic hazards of the insecticides we use. In organisations that can dictate the control techniques to be employed, some insecticides fall under an outright ban such as must not be used wherever there is any possibility of food or utensil contamination", in other words, in kitchens, pantries and food stores. Such mandates stem from the inevitable degree of carelessness or ignorance in the unknown human elements involved. Any recommendations must thus incorporate the provision that any residual insecticides must not contaminate foodstuffs, utensils and preparation surfaces. If this is adhered to, and the following points are taken into consideration, moderately toxic insecticides may still be employed:

The use of a conventional fly spray for insecticide application is the least efficient method and the one most likely to achieve accidental contamination of food or utensils.

Treatment of bench tops is of no real use in control and is also a contaminative technique.

To get liquid insecticide into resting places formed in the structure of the building, a jet nozzle on a spray is suitable, but a simple alternative is a thumb pressure oil can, the placement of the insecticide being under the operator's complete control. Probable situations are behind skirtings and cupboards. The space below false bottoms of cabinets, ledges underneath sinks and benches, any imperfections of finish or damage giving access to the cavity of the wall, around and beneath inset ovens and sometimes under the floor.

When these cavities cannot be treated properly, the adjacent surfaces are best treated with a paintbrush, this again giving full control.

Insecticides in dust form are useful, but it is difficult to avoid contamination.

Nevertheless, it cannot be over-emphasised that none of these insecticides will give complete control unless application techniques are appropriate and thorough and the areas to which they are applied are carefully selected after a thorough assessment of the distribution of the infestation.

lf the possibilities of reinfestation are not great eradication of the infestation is quite possible and could be long lasting. In large buildings, all centres of infestation should be attacked at the same time. Emphasis has been placed on the kitchen area, but in a hospital, for example, the kitchen, dining rooms, day rooms and dispensary are all probable areas of infestation.

Cardinal points in cockroach control

  • Mixed infestations of two or more species are unusual, hence identify species involved.
  • lnvestigate area of infestation and localise hiding places taking into consideration the essential differences between Periplaneta americana and Blatella germanica.
  • Select the control technique most suited to the circumstances and aim for eradication of the infestation.
  • Correct methods of management of foodstuffs so that food is not available for the roaches. Although very partial to sweet foods, they must be regarded as omnivorous since anything remotely edible such as paper, leather, starch, or fatty residues, may be included in their diet.
  • Wherever possible correct structural imperfections that are providing harbourage.

Mission Statement?

German Cockroach Pest Control company Micropest Pest Control Sydney will endeavour to assist you in the best and most helpful way and will always treat the customer with respect honestly and ethically. Simply the best pest control Sydney has to offer.

Our Locations


Address: 24/24-36 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga N.S.W 2076

Phone:1300 243 377

Hours: Open 7 days, 7 am–10 pm

We provide the same day emergency services for the Upper North Shore suburbs of Wahroonga, Pymble, Hornsby, Turramurra, Westleigh and Thornleigh.


Address: 43 Whiting St, Artarmon NSW 2064

Phone:1300 884 166

Hours: Open 7 days, 7 am–10 pm

We provide the same day emergency services for the Lower North Shore suburbs of Artarmon, Chatswood, Lane Cove, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, North Sydney, Neutral Bay, North Bridge and Castlecrag.

  Micropest Pest Control Sydney

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German Cockroaches and Cockroach Pest Control Video

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